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#202 : La lettre écarlate

Lisbon et l'équipe enquêtent sur le meurtre d'une interne d'un Sénateur pendant que Jane tente de découvrir quelle nouvelle information Bosco a découvert au sujet de l'affaire John Le Rouge.

Avis de Télé Star : Dans cet épisode, Patrick Jane se montre obsédé par le dossier John Le Rouge.




4 - 11 votes

Titre VO
The Scarlet Letter

Titre VF
La lettre écarlate

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Dates de diffusion Fr  

12 avril 2010 (TPS Star)
1er septembre 2010 (TF1)

Scénario   Tom Szentgyorgyi
Réalisation   Charles Beeson

Terry Kinney (Sam Bosco)
Gregory Itzin (Virgil Minelli)
George Wyner (Coroner Steiner)
Fay Masterson (Melinda Batson)
Paul Fitzgerald (Elliot Batson)
Paul Michael Glaser (Walter Crew)

Audience US : 15,75 millions de téléspectateurs (3.7%)

Audience Fr : 8,52 millions de téléspectateurs

Sur un pont, Jane sort d'une camionette en baillant. Kristen Marley est la victime de ce qui semble être un suicide apparent, on dirait qu'elle a sauté du pont. Elle a été stagiaire pour un sénateur prénommée Melinda Batson, au capitole. Elle a été suspendue pour avoir eut une liaison avec le mari de la sénatrice. Lisbon s'approche de Jane et lui demande si sa sieste a été bonne. Il lui raconte ce qu'il sait, mais confesse alors il l'a apprise en provenance du reste de l'équipe

L'équipe descend et retrouve le coroner Steiner. Steiner est convaincu qu'il s'agit d'un suicide même si il n'y a aucune preuve pour cela. Lorsque Jane va pour toucher le corps, Steiner s'y oppose. Steiner emploie un jargon très technique. Jane fait remarquer que la victime porte une seule chaussure. Il ne pense pas qu'elle ait sautée avec une seule chaussure. Lisbon dit qu'il s'agit d'un homicide et non d'un suicide. Jane s'en va en faisant une remarque désobligeante au coroner. Lisbon s'excuse pour lui et ensuite donne des ordres à l'équipe.

Lisbon et Jane se rendent au Capitole à Sacramento. Ils parlent avec une personne qui leur donne quelques informations sur Kristen. Lisbon fait mention des rumeurs qui couraient à propos de Kristen et du mari de la sénatrice. La femme dit que la plupart des rumeurs sont fausses. Lisbon et Jane sont conduits à l'anti-chambre et au bureau de Kristen. Ils font la connaissance de Melinda Batson et de son mari Elliott. Jane remarque la façon dont Elliott touche le bras de sa femme. Lisbon suit le couple dans le bureau du sénateur et Jane reste encore dans le bureau de Kristen. Jane fouille bureau de Kristen. Il trouve une photo de celle-ci. Au dos de la photo est inscrit "Kristen sénatrice". Il trouve également un album de photos de cartes postales à partir d'emplacements différents.

Dans le bureau de la sénatrice, le couple est assis sur un canapé et fait face à Lisbon. Lisbon pose des questions à propos de Kristen. La sénatrice que la mère de Kristen avait appelé pleins de fois les jours précédents sa mort. Lisbon pose ensuite des questions sur la suposée aventure entre Elliott et Kristen. Melinda est bouleversée. Elliott affirme ne pas avoir eut de liaison avec Kristen. Lisbon leur demande leur alibi. Elliott dit avoir eut une conférence téléphonique et sa femme Melinda était avec lui. Elliott passe ensuite son bras autour de sa femme. Il affirme qu'ils sont heureux en mariage depuis 3 ans. Jane dit qu'il a du mal à croire cela. Jane dit qu'il n'y a rien sexuellement entre eux. Melinda se lève et met fin à la conversation.

Lorsqu'ils quittent le Capitole, Jane et Lisbon rencontrent Minelli et Walter Crew le père de Melinda. Walter propose toute l'aide qu'il faudra au CBI pour résoudre le meurtre de Kristen. Lorsque Walter part, Minelli demande à l'équipe de leur donner de le tenir informé quotidiennement sur l'affaire. Minelli demande comment s'est passé l'entrevue avec Melinda et son mari. Jane répond "Très excitant". Minelli demande ce qu'a fait Jane. Lisbon lui dit "Rien qui ne peut-être réparé".

De retour au CBI, Lisbon regarde sa montre puis se dirige vers le bureau du Dr Roy Carmen. Il lui fait remarquer qu'elle a 42 minutes de retard lorsqu'elle s'excuse de son retard. Elle dit qu'elle est prête à commencer. Il dit qu'il ne peut pas car il a un autre patient dans 8 minutes. Lisbon se sert un café. Le Docteur lui fait remarquer qu'il ne signera rien tant qu'elle n'aura pas fait de séance avec lui. Elle lui dit qu'elle n'en a pas besoin. Il lui dit que c'est impossible lorsqu'on croit qu'on allait mourir.

Jane est couché sur le canapé, les yeux rivés au plafond. Il fait la remarque que la tâche au plafond ressemblait avant à Elvis et qu'elle ressemble maintenant à un chien. Cho fait une remarque sarcastique "Woh appelez les médias c'est un miracle". Lisbon dit que quelqu'un doit avoir bougé le canapé. L'homme d'entretien arrive et Jane lui demande si il a bougé son canapé. Il dit que oui car il a changé une ampoule. Jane demande alors à l'homme d'entretien de l'aider à remettre le canapé à sa place. Rigsby a fait quelques recherches. Kristen avait une belle-mère, Charlotte McAddo, qui a appelé Kristen 11 fois au cours des 2 jours avant sa disparition. Le fils de Charlotte, Harlan, a été arrêté pour détournement de voiture mais a affirmé qu'il était avec Kristen. Par ailleurs, l'alibi de Elliott a été vérifié. Il était bien comme il l'a dit à une conférence téléphonique. Jane se lève et affirme que Kristen avait une liaison mais que ce n'était pas avec Elliott. Jane dit que Kristen était une romantique à la recherche d'évasion et d'aventure. Il dit qu'elle a certainement gardé quelque chose de cette liaison mais qui doit être bien caché. Jane dit qu'il faut retourner fouiller et dans son coffret à bijoux. Il doit y avoir un compartiment caché. Van Pelt va au domicile de Kristen pour vérifier le coffet à bijoux. Comme il regarde Van Pelt partir, Jane aperçoit Boscoe un dossier à la main. Comme il voit que Bosco tente de dissimuler le dossier, Jane le soupçonne d'avoir du nouveau au sujet de l'affaire Red John et de vouloir le lui cacher. Lisbon demande à Jane de laisser tomber. Jane n'écoute pas et se rend au bureau de Bosco.

Jane attend Bosco dans son bureau. Lorsque celui-ci entre il n'est pas très content de voir Jane. Jane veut savoir quelles nouvelles informations il possède mais Bosco ne veut rien lui dire. Bosco dit à Jane qu'il a le même regard que quelqu'un qui est en manque de crack. Le téléphone de Jane sonne c'est Van Pelt. Elle lui dit qu'elle a trouvé le compartiment à bijoux secret mais que celui-ci est vide. Lorsque, Jane raccroche, Bosco lui dit que c'est un toxicomane et qu'il a besoin d'aide.

Cho et Rigsby se rendent à l'appartement de Charlotte MacAddo. Charlotte les invite à s'asseoir. Elle fume. Cho lui fait remarquer qu'elle n'a pas l'air accablée par le décès de Kristen. Charlotte explique que ce n'était que sa belle-fille. Il lui pose ensuite des questions sur son fils Harlan. Elle dit ne pas l'avoir vu. Cho et Rigsby observent le cendrier lorsqu'elle y met sa cigarette. Ensuite Rigsby et Cho quittent les lieux en la remerciant de leur avoir parlé. Ils ne ferment pas complètement la porte. A l'extérieur, Rigsby dit à Cho qu'il a remarqué qu'il y'avait des cigarettes avec filtres et d'autres sans. Ils font un pari sur l'endroit où est caché Harlan, la salle de bain ou un placard. Rigsby choisit le placard. Si il gagne il veut que Cho lui parle de son rancard. Ils retournent dans l'appartement. Harlan y est présent en train de parler avec sa mère. Ils procèdent à son arrestation. Rigsby demande où il était caché. Harlan dit qu'il se trouvait dans la placard. Tout en marchant, Cho dit qu'ils n'ont pas parié.

Cho et Lisbon interrogent Harlan qui est très arrogant. Il dit ne pas avoir vu Kristen depuis 4 mois. Lisbon lui dit que c'est faux puisqu'il a effacé des messages provenant d'elle. Lisbon lui dit qu'elle l'a certainement appelé pour lui dire qu'elle ne voulait pas être son alibi. Il a dû la menacer. Il apprend qu'elle est morte et tout comme sa mère il n'est pas chagriné par cette nouvelle. Harlan dit que la police n'a rien contre lui et ne peut donc le retenir. Cho lui rappelle qu'il y'a toujours l'affaire de la voiture. Lisbon se lève pour quitter la salle d'interrogatoire. Elle demande à Harlan si il veut quelque chose. Il lui répond des chip's. Dans le couloir Cho et Lisbon discutent. Lisbon veut un mandat afin de fouiller l'automobile de Harlan. Elle appelle Van Pelt et lui demande de terminer l'interrogatoire d'Harlan. Elle lui demande d'user de stratagème car elle doit le retenir jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent à fouiller son véhicule. Van Pelt demande comment procéder. Lisbon lui dit que Harlan est un joueur et qu'elle doit être amicale avec lui. Lisbon donne le dossier à Van Pelt. Rigsby regarde Van Pelt et s'en va.

Van Pelt entre dans la salle d'interrogatoire. Elle lui dit que c'est elle qui prend la suite. Elle semble nerveuse. Elle dit à Harlan qu'elle croit qu'il n'a rien fait et qu'elle est de son côté. Elle dit à Harlan qu'elle doit mettre son fichier à jour. Elle flirt un peu avec lui. Elle mange une chip's puis Harlan lui en propose une autre.

Jane se rend chez Walter Crew. Il regarde les photos. Il commente les photos où est présente Melinda. Après que Walter lui ait donné un verre d'eau, il s'assied sur le canapé et demande à Walter depuis combien de temps il couchait avec Kristen. Walter demande à Jane pourquoi il croit ça. Il lui répond que c'est homme narcissique, puissant et qui ne se refuse rien. Au contraire de Kristen qui était influençable. Walter dit qu'il est marié depuis 38 ans. Jane lui dit justement. Walter ne reconnaît rien mais demande à Jane qu'est-ce que cela pourraît avoir avec le meurtre de Kristen. Jane pense au chantage auquel l'adultère peut conduire. Jane s'en va en annonçant à Walter qu'il coincera le meurtrier au matin.

Cho et Rigsby sont à côté du véhicule de Harlan. Cho tente de l'a crocheter avec un cintre. Rigsby demande à Cho de tout lui raconter de son rancard. Cho lui dit et toi tu me raconteras quand tu auras commencé avec Van Pelt. Cho réussit à ouvrir la porte. Rigsby commence à fouiller et trouve dans le coffre l'autre chaussure de Kristen.

Lisbon est de retour en salle d'interrogatoire avec Van Pelt et Harlan. Harlan dit ne rien savoir au sujet de la chaussure de Kristen retrouvée dans sa voiture. Il nie l'avoir tuée. Lisbon lui demande son alibi. Il dit qu'il était avec sa mère. Elle lui dit qu'il se cachait dans un placard chez sa mère quant ils sont allés le chercher. Alors elle lui demande pourquoi maintenant ils devraient le croire. Harlan veut s'en aller, mais Lisbon le retient. Lisbon rejoint Jane qui lui demande si elle l'a inculpé. Elle lui dit que oui. Jane ne croit pas que se soit Harlan le responsable de ce meurtre. Il dit qu'il est trop bête pour ça. Il n'aurait pas tué Kristen pour après l'a jetée au dessus d'un pont. Lisbon n'est pas d'accord avec ça.

Jane se rend au bureau de la sénatrice. Il emballe les affaires de Kristen. La sénatrice et son mari sont surpris de voir Jane.  Ils ne comprennent car Minelli a appelé Walter Crew en lui disant qu'ils avaient arrêté le meurtrier de Kristen. Jane dit que Harlan est innoncent. Elliott se propose d'aider à retrouver le vrai coupable.

Au CBI, Minelli fait part de son mécontement quant au fait qu'Harlan n'est pas encore été inculpé. Jane dit qu'il n'est pas coupable et que le vrai coupable sera mis à jour à l'aube. Lisbon le soutient. Minelli dit que si Harlan n'est pas devant le procureur le lendemain matin le ton changera. Jane dit à Lisbon qu'elle ne le regrettera pas. Lisbon lui répond que c'est déjà fait.

Plus tard, dans la nuit, Jane entre dans le bureau de Lisbon et allume la lumière. Il appelle Lisbon et lui laisse un message sur son répondeur. Il lui dit qu'il a trouvé ce qu'il cherchait mais qu'il ne veut pas prendre le risque de le sortir du CBI et qu'il le laisse dans son bureau. Il dit qu'il le met dans son bureau dans le tiroir en haut à droite. Il éteind la lumière. Plus tard le concierge pénètre dans le bureau de Lisbon et ouvre le tiroir en haut à droite. Il trouve un mot sur lequel est inscrit "Ha Ha Ha". Lisbon arrive son arme à la main. Jane se trouve du côté de la porte. Ils demandent au concierge de leur dire pour qui il travaille. Le concierge dit ne pas savoir de qui ils parlent. Il leur dit qu'il travaille pour l'immeuble, qu'il fait le nettoyage. Jane lui dit qu'il ne nettoie rien et lui montre la poussière sur le bureau. Jane explique alors au concierge que c'est lui l'intermédiaire qu'il écoutait leur conversation. Ensuite, Jane lui montre un des micros placés sur la lampe. Quand Jane à dit à Van Pelt de vérifier la boîte à bijoux il a entendu et y est allé. Ensuite, le concierge prétexte ne pas aller bien et demande à s'asseoir. Lorsqu'il se tourne pour s'asseoir il se saisit d'un ciseau, puis saisit Jane et le place sous son cou. Il demande à Lisbon de lâcher son arme à terre et de le laisser passer. Ensuite, il demande à Lisbon de prendre les menottes et de s'attacher. Voyant le garde venir, le concierge sort en jetant Jane sur Lisbon. Puis il s'enfuit. Le garde vient et détache Lisbon pendant que Jane suit les ordres de Lisbon et va voir où part le concierge. A l'extérieur du bâtiment Jane voit surgir une voiture qui roule droit sur lui. Le conducteur est le concierge, Art Cavaleri. Lorsqu'il sort du parking il percute un autre véhicule. Jane et Lisbon se précipitent sur le véhicule.

De retour au CBI, Jane a les yeux portés sur le moniteur de la salle d'interrogatoire. Dans celle-ci se trouve, Cho, Rigsby et Art Cavaleri. Jane se retourne car arrive, Walter Crew sa fille Melinda Batson et son mari Elliott. Jane leur dit que Art est un détective privé embauché pour les espionner et tout connaître de l'affaire. Walter dit ne rien savoir de tout ça et dit vouloir parler à son avocat. Il saisit le bras de Melinda pour l'escorter dehors. Elliott demande qu'elle imunité il pourrait avoir car Lisbon dit pouvoir conclure un arangement. Walter demande à Elliott de se taire. Jane prend alors la parole et dit qu'il a compris que le mariage de Melinda et Elliott est une supercherie pour cacher le fait que Melinda est gay. Elliott admet avoir épousé Melinda et qu'elle lui versait une rente tous les mois. Il dit ne pas avoir eut de liaison avec Kristen. Il ajoute qu'il se trouvait chez lui la nuit où Kristen est morte mais que Melinda ne s'y trouvait pas. Quand plus tard elle est rentrée elle semblait bouleversée. Kristen avait rompu avec Melinda. Lisbon tire de sa poche un bijou que Cavalerie avait trouvé et qu'ils ont récupéré. Il s'agit d'une chaîne et de la lettre "M" au bout. Lisbon dit "Votre père et vous aviez une liaison avec Kristen". Melinda reconnaît qu'elle avait une liaison avec Kristen et que son père l'a séduite, l'a prise comme toutes les femmes de sa vie. Walter dit qu'il essayait de faire comprendre quelque chose à sa fille. Elle ne comprend pas. Melinda dit qu'elle savait que Kristen avait quelqu'un mais elle ignorait qui. Elle s'est rendue chez Kristen et a découvert que l'autre personne était son père. Quand son père a quitté l'appartement de Kristen elle y est allée et a essayé de faire entendre raison à Kristen. Sous l'effet de la colère elle saisit d'un serre-livres en pierre et l'a frappé. Kristen est morte. Ensuite, Melinda a appelé son père comme elle le faisait toujours en cas de difficulté. Ensuite, Jane prend le téléphone et dit à la salle d'interrogatoire qu'ils peuvent laisser aller Art. Cho et Rigsby quittent la salle d'interrogatoire. Art bascule et c'est ainsi que Walter et Melinda se rendirent compte qu'il était mort.

Le lendemain, Minelli dit à Jane qu'il n'est pas content du fait qu'ils ont utilisé un cadavre. Lisbon soutien Jane qui en est ravi.

Jane se présente au bureau de Bosco. Il vient s'excuser et apporte des gâteaux. En réalité il place un micro sous le bureau de Bosco puis va sur son canapé et écoute la conversation que Bosco a avec son collègue.


Jane : What's the fuss?

Cho : Slept through Lisbon's briefing in the van, didn't you?

Jane : Like a baby.

Cho : Yeah,the victim's name is kristin marley. She worked at the state capitol for some lady senator, went missing three days ago. Rumor is she was having an affair with the senator's husband.

Rigsby : My bet--she's a jumper.

Van Pelt : I hope not.

Cho : If she's a jumper, job's done.

Rigsby : Yeah,the senator's husband dumps her, she wants to make him feel bad, she comes out here... Splat.

Van Pelt : Don't talk that way.

Rigsby : Okay, not splat. Bam.

Van Pelt : There's nothing worse than suicide. Human life is sacred. When someone takes their own life, it's a tragedy.

Lisbon : Sacramento P.D.'S handing the case over to us.  Let's go talk to the coroner. Shall I recap the case, sleepyhead?

Jane : Kristin Marley-- lady senator's aide, rumored romance with the senator's husband.

Lisbon : Very good.
Jane : Oh, I trained myself to hear and take in information while asleep.

Lisbon : The others told you?

Jane : Yes, they did.

Coroner : At this point, there's no way to determine what happened to the victim, agent Lisbon. I-i simply can't help you.

Lisbon : Well, can you tell how long she's been dead?

Coroner : I couldn't possibly, given the evidence available.
Lisbon : Do you think it was a homicide or a suicide?

Coroner : Couldn't say.

Jane : What's your guess?

Coroner : I'm not in the habit of--of guessing. Please don't touch the decedent. You--you--you detectives always want the instant answers. What i do is science. Science will uncover the truth, but she will be precise, methodical and take her time before she renders her decision.

Rigsby : I wonder if science can remove the stick from his butt.

Coroner : I heard that.

Jane : You're right. We want facts. Fortunately, we have them.

Coroner : Oh,we do?

Jane : In abundance.

Coroner : You're the consultant that pretends to read minds, aren't you?

Jane : No. I don't pretend to read minds. I do read minds. But don't we all? Look at lisbon. You can see what she's thinking.

Lisbon : No kidding.

Jane : And I can see what you're thinking right now.

Coroner : Uh,i-i was thinking that you, sir, are a bumptious fool, and i was wondering exactly what training in forensic pathology you have.

Jane : Ah, but right before that, you were wondering whether you would choose Lisbon or Van Pelt as your concubine in that little fantasy kingdom you like to go to sometimes.

Coroner : I... I do not.

Jane : Oh, and--and you're right. I-i know nothing of forensic pathology. But agent Van Pelt-- she might offer her theory.

Van Pelt : Or i might not.

Jane : Look at her feet.

Van Pelt : I did.

Jane : And what question presents itself?

Van Pelt : Where's her other shoe?

Jane : Exactly.

Cho : It wasn't up on the bridge.

Rigsby : It could be in her car.

Lisbon : Even if it was, why would she walk to the middle of the bridge with one shoe on? Why would she do that?

Jane : Bingo!

Lisbon : There's no need to be patronizing.

Van Pelt : So she must have been carried. She didn't kill herself. She was murdered,then dropped over.

Rigsby : Or thrown over still alive. Better than suicide.

Jane : Yes.

Coroner : It's... A theory.

Jane : It's lovely to meet you, doc. You're a horse's ass, but you mean well. I'll be in the van.

Lisbon : My apologies, sir. Cho, tell the Sacramento p.D. That it's a homicide. Rigsby, Van Pelt,see what the sheriff's department got in their investigation.

Rigsby : All right.

Dede : Kristin had been interning here for about nine months. She came in at the start of the last session, right out of college. I liked her. She was sweet, young--in a good way.

Lisbon : Who did she work for?

Dede : Senator Melinda Batson. She's an up-and-comer from the central valley. Please put that down.

Lisbon : Anything to the rumor that kristin was having an affair with batson's husband?

Dede : Elliott Batson-- he's Melinda's chief of staff. We've heard the rumors. Everyone denies it. There's no evidence anything happened.

Lisbon : The media seem to think there is.

Dede : You want to get me started on what they believe? Frankly, when you've worked here as long as i have, you hear a lot of stories about wild behavior. Most of them aren't true.

Jane : Except the ones that are. Sorry.

Lisbon : Hello?

Jane : Hello? Hello? Hello?

Melinda : I've issued a statement, and i'm not taking any questions.

Lisbon : We're not press. We're cbi. Agent Teresa Lisbon, Patrick Jane.

Melinda : Right. Sorry. You called. Melinda Batson. This is my husband Elliott.

Elliott : Hi. Tough day around here.

Jane : Is this kristin's desk?

Melinda : Yes. Come inside.

Lisbon : Jane. Care to join us?

Jane : I'll be right there.

Lisbon : Anything unusual aboutKkristin's behavior the day she disappeared?

Elliott : No, she was, uh, cheerful. Finished work, left at 6:00, I think,uh...

Melinda : A little after 6:00.

Elliott : After 6:00 then.

Lisbon : Did she say where she was going?

Melinda : No.

Elliott : No.

Meinda : She... Was having trouble with her family.

Elliott : It was her stepmother, right?

Melinda : Her natural parents are dead, and for some reason, her stepmother called a bunch of times that day.

Lisbon : Did kristin tell you what it was about?

Melinda, Elliott : No.

Melinda : No. I-i was surprised. I-i thought they were estranged.

Lisbon : What was your relationship to Kristin, Mr. Batson?

Melinda : Oh, please. Please. We know where you're going with this.

Elliott : Melinda,I--

Melinda : No, let's just haul the trash out in the open. You want to know if she and Elliott were sleeping together.

Lisbon : Were you?

Elliott : Never. It's a rumor. That's all.

Lisbon : Rumors usually happen for a reason.

Elliott : Well...

Melinda : I'll give you the reason-- politics. You want to take a female politician down a few notches? Throw mud on her marriage.

Lisbon : Where were you the night kristin was killed?

Elliott : Here. I was on a conference call with a trade delegation from Taiwan. We talked until after 11:00.

Melinda : I was with him the whole time.

Elliott : We'll be married three years this october, and... Today's news excepted, uh,we've never been happier.

Jane : That's hard to believe.

Melinda : What does that mean?

Jane : Well,there's nothing going on between you right now.

Elliott : Excuse me? What?

Jane : I'm sorry. I-i meant sexually, no heat. Right?

Melinda : I think we're done here.

Jane : You'd think a politician would have thicker skin.

Lisbon : You accused them of lying about their sex life, and you're surprised they're upset?

Jane : Oh, come on. You're buying that happy talk? Really?

Lisbon : Agent Minelli, sir.

Minelli : Agent Lisbon.

Walter : I asked him down. Uh, Walter Crew, Melinda Batson's dad. You're agents, uh, Jane and Lisbon?

Lisbon : Yeah, we are.

Walter : Sorry to track you down like this. I asked Virgil here to introduce me to the team handling the poor marley girl's case.

Minelli : Walter has been a friend of the CBI for some time. He was an extremely influential legislator for what, 20 years?

Walter : 26, but who's counting? Anyway,i'm old news now. The only thing i lobby for is a good tee time.

Jane : Why the interest in the poor marley girl's case?

Walter : Interest? I liked her. Yeah, met her in Melinda's office. She was good people, came from a tough background-- didn't let that stop her. I know how difficult it is to get straight answers from the people in that building there. If you have any problems, you just let me know. I can still knock heads.

Lisbon : Oh,we'll be fine.

Walter : Just let me know. Virgil.

Minelli : Walter.

Walter : Take care.

Minelli : Sir. I hate walks, Lisbon. I know they're healthy. I don't care. Put me in a chair, i'm a happy man. But when Walter Crew asked me to stroll with him down to the capitol, I say,"of course, Walter. You get my drift?

Lisbon : I do.

Minelli : Step carefully. I want daily reports. Oh, and, uh, how did the batson interview go?

Jane : Oh,that was very exciting.

Minelli : What did he do?

Lisbon : Nothing that can't be repaired.

Carmen : Teresa, nice of you to drop by.

Lisbon : I know i'm late. I'm sorry.

Carmen : "Late" is an interesting word in this context. You were supposed to be here... 42 minutes ago.

Lisbon : I know. The point is, i'm here now. We're supposed to talk, so let's talk.

Carmen : I have another patient scheduled in eight minutes.

Lisbon : I can talk fast.

Carmen : This is the third time you've been late.

Lisbon : What can I say? Lot of people getting killed. Can I get a coffee?

Carmen : Do you know why counseling is mandatory for CBI agents who've been involved in a shooting?

Lisbon : Because nobody would come if it was voluntary?

Carmen : And that's what it remains mandatory until I sign and file this form. See you next week.

Lisbon : This is unnecessary. I'm fine. I'm not traumatized.

Carmen : A man pointed a gun at you, a man who intended to kill you.

Lisbon : Fortunately, jane shot him first.

Carmen : It doesn't matter. You went from thinking you were going to be killed to watching a man die-- two of the most wrenching experiences we can have-- and you went through them in seconds. You don't think that affected you?

Lisbon : No.

Carmen : You really want to keep seeing me, don't you? Next week, on time.

Lisbon : Fine.

Jane : There's a stain on the ceiling that looks like Elvis, but today,it looks more like a... Basset hound.

Cho : Someone call the media. It's a miracle.

Jane : Or maybe someone's moved my couch. Cho? Did you move my couch?

Cho : No. Why would i?

Jane : Excuse me? Did you move the couch?

Art : I had to,uh, change a light. Problem?

Jane : No, no, no. Can you help me move it back, please? I got a thing i... Thanks. Just up there. I think it's this way. Just a little. That's it. Let me just try to... Perfect. Thank you. Elvis is back.

Lisbon : Anything on the stepmom?

Rigsby : Her name's Charlotte Mcadoo. She called kristin 11 times in the two days before she disappeared.

Lisbon : Any idea what that was about?

Rigsby : No, but her son Harlan had been picked up on a carjacking charge. He posted bail the day Kristin disappeared, claimed he had nothing to do with the carjacking, said he was with kristin when it happened.

Lisbon : He used kristin as his alibi? How bad's Harlan?

Rigsby : Well, mostly car theft, some assault.

Lisbon : What did Charlotte have to say about that?

Cho : She won't answer her phone, won't call back. We're heading out to talk to her.

Jane : Shouldn't we be looking for kristin's lover?

Van Pelt : Who? Elliott Batson's alibi checked out, and there's no sign she was seeing someone else. We've checked.

Jane : Well,not enough. She was an immature romantic looking for escape and adventure. She was having an affair.

Lisbon : We searched her place thoroughly. She kept the affair well-hidden.

Jane : Well,of course. It's an adventure because it's a secret. But I expect she'll tell us who it was.

Lisbon : I'll bite. How?

Jane : Check this out. She was a collector. She kept sand from every beach she ever went to. She would have kept a memento of her lover, something small-- I bet she kept it in a fancy jewelry box, the kind with a figurine on the lid.

Van Pelt : There was a fancy jewelry box like that in her bedroom-- a ballerina.

Jane : Ballerina--she's the type.

Van Pelt : But we checked it. There's nothing in it but cheap jewelry.

Jane : Did you check in the secret compartment?

Van Pelt : The...

Jane : The secret compartment either on the bottom or one of the sides. They usually have one.

Lisbon : It's worth taking a look.

Van Pelt : Fine.

Lisbon : Forget about bosco.

Jane : He's got something.

Lisbon : Yeah, he's got Red John, and we don't.

Jane : No. No, he's got something new on the case--new evidence.

Lisbon : How can you tell?

Jane : It's clear as can be. I'll be right back.

Lisbon : Jane, Red John belongs to Bosco now. I don't like it either, but you're gonna have to deal with it.

Jane : Do you want a coffee? I'm gonna bring you a coffee.

Bosco : I need copies of each of these sent over to division. What's he doing in there?

Rebecca : He said you told him to wait in there.

Bosco : We'll finish later. Get away from my desk.

Jane : Where'd you go? I've been here almost half an hour.

Bosco : And stop hacking my passcodes and stop hustling my people. It's not doing you any good, you know.

Jane : I don't know what you're talking about. What'd you get on Red John?

Bosco : And what makes you think i got anything?

Jane : The folder-- you moved it when you saw me, protected it. It's the one thing you'd protect from me. It's the cover-up that gave you away. What is it?

Bosco : It's none of your business, so go.

Jane : You need to understand something. Red John doesn't make mistakes. He doesn't leave clues. If you have new evidence,it's because he wants you to have it. The question isn't "what does it mean?" it's "why did he give it to you?"

Bosco : That's deep.

Jane : Tell me what it is. I can help you.

Bosco : Have you ever seen a crack addict when they're begging for a hit? You got that same look in your eye that they get.

Jane : You've got me all figured out. Hey, Van Pelt. Did you get it?

Van Pelt : There's a secret compartment, just like you said.

Jane : And what was in it?

Van Pelt : Nothing. It's empty.

Jane : All right.

Bosco : Bad news,huh?

Jane : No, not at all.

Bosco : It's like you said--it's the cover-up that gave you away. You're an addict, Jane. You need help.

Jane : You're making a mistake.

Bosco : You can go.

Rigsby : So I got tickets to the Kings game tomorrow night. You want to go?

Cho : I'm going out.

Rigsby : Who with?

Cho : The niece of the shopkeeper we met on that Red John thing.

Rigsby : Oh,finally. It took you long enough.

Cho : 5-b?

Rigsby : Yeah.

Cho : Yeah, we talked on the phone. She's nice. We'll see how it goes.

Rigsby : Oh, I expect a full report.

Cho : In your dreams.

Rigsby : Hey, i got you that number. You owe me.

Cho : No. Charlotte Mcadoo?

Charlotte : Yeah.

Rigsby : We need to talk to you about your stepdaughter, Kristin Marley. You know that Kristin's dead, right, Charlotte?

Charlotte : What about it?

Cho : I guess you're pretty broken up.

Charlotte : She wasn't my kid. I'm not the huggy type. Sue me.

Cho : If you didn't like Kristin, why'd you make all those calls right before she disappeared?

Charlotte : Don't remember.

Rigsby : It was a week ago.

Charlotte : I'm old. My memory's bad.

Cho : Did it have something to do with your son Harlan?

Charlotte : What about Harlan?

Cho : He used Kristin as an alibi when he was arrested, but Kristin told sacramento p.D. She hadn't seen harlan for months. Were you asking kristin to change her story and lie an alibi for her stepbrother?

Charlotte : No,that's crazy.

Rigsby : Where is harlan?

Charlotte : I don't know. I haven't seen him for days.

Rigsby : Okay. Thanks for your time.

Charlotte : That's... That's it?

Cho : We'll see ourselves out. Thank you. You think Charlotte smokes filtered and unfiltered?

Rigsby : Not if she's got a visitor. Bathroom or closet?

Cho : Bathroom.

Rigsby : I think closet. You want to bet?

Cho : What do i get if i win?

Rigsby : I pay for lunch next week. I win,you tell me about your date.

Cho : That's enough time.

Rigsby : Hey,harlan.

Charlotte : Oh,crap.

Rigsby : Harlan, were you in the bathroom or the closet?

Harlan : Closet.Wh--

Rigsby : Told ya.

Cho : We didn't bet.

Rigsby : Yes, we did.

Harlan : No law against being in a closet.

Lisbon : No, Harlan, but it is kinda suspicious.

Harlan : You got no right to hold me.

Lisbon : We're just talking.

Harlan : All right,what do you want to talk about?

Cho : Kristin Marley-- when did you see her last?

Harlan : What happened to her?

Cho : You tell us.

Harlan : I got nothing to say about her.

Cho : You must be mad that she didn't back your alibi on the carjacking charge,huh?

Harlan : First of all, that arrest was completely bogus. And "b," that stuck-up bitch don't get what the word "family" means,so...

Cho : What is that?

Harlan : Family's supposed to help when you're down. But she gets a job in the capitol with some big money friends, and pow--  she's too good for the people she grew up with. She don't get what the word "family" is all about, you know?

Lisbon : Didn't. She's dead.

Harlan : Yeah. That's too bad.

Lisbon : Did you have any contact with Kristin after you posted bail, Harlan?

Harlan : No.

Lisbon : None?

Harlan : That's what I said.

Lisbon : It's funny, 'cause our tech guys have been going through her cell phone. There's some deleted texts on it. Four of them were from you the day she disappeared.

Harlan : No. That's what you call a-a glitch--computer thing.

Cho : You were threatening kristin to get her to lie for you,right?

Harlan : Didn't say that.

Cho : I could see why you'd do it. You're facing serious time.

Harlan : You arresting me? You got no right to hold me if you ain't.

Cho : You're not under arrest, but you are out on bail, and that can be revoked if the judge thinks you're not being cooperative.

Lisbon : Do you want a soda, Harlan?

Harlan : I want chips.

Lisbon : If he took Kristin's body to the bridge, he put her in his trunk. It's worth taking a look. I'll call the district attorney.

Cho : If Harlan hears we're looking at his car, he'll be out the door before the warrant comes through.

Lisbon : We're gonna make him want to stay. Van Pelt. You're taking over the mcadoo interview.

Van Pelt : I'm totally ready for that. I can get him to confess to this.

Lisbon : Yeah, maybe. The main thing is, you keep him in there long enough for us to search his car. Be friendly. He thinks he's a player. He'll eat it up.

Van Pelt : What do you mean, be friendly?

Lisbon : Need a map? Good luck.

Rigsby : I heard Bosco cleaned your clock this morning.

Jane : Oh, that's one interpretation.

Rigsby : I get it. It's tough to have red john taken away like that. Bet you'd give a lot to know what they're saying in bosco's office.

Jane : Yeah. Yeah,i would.

Rigsby : You gotta let it go,man. Forget about the jewelry box. You missed one. So what?

Jane : Actually, I didn't. I'm pursuing an independent line of investigation, gonna crack this case in 24 hours.

Rigsby : I think we might be ahead of you this time.

Van Pelt : Hi, Harlan. I'm agent Van Pelt. Special agent Lisbon asked me to take over the interview.

Harlan : Why?

Van Pelt : She's busy... With something else. So i've looked through your file, and it's,uh, it's very...

Harlan : What?

Van Pelt : Well... I don't think you had anything to do with this crime.

Harlan : Thank you. That's what i've been saying.

Van Pelt : It's just a big misunderstanding,i'm sure.

Harlan : Yeah. You got that right.

Van Pelt : But let's fill out the forms so everyone's happy, okay? Chips. So let's make a time line of everywhere you've been since Kristin disappeared.

Harlan : Okay. You want another?


Jane : These all pictures of your daughter?

Walter : Yes, they are.

Jane : Oh, it's surprising there's not more pictures of you, given your standing, that is.

Walter : What, me talking to a bunch of famous windbags? Had those, took 'em down. Waste of space.

Jane : Thank you.

Walter : No,my days are over. Melinda has got the future. She could go far, very far, if she listens to me. Now what did you want to talk about?

Jane : How long were you sleeping with Kristin Marley before she was killed?

Walter : What makes you think i was?

Jane : You're a politician-- ambitious,narcissistic, addicted to the love of strangers. She was beautiful, impressionable, no doubt flattered by your attentions. And you're not the sort of man to deny yourself an object of desire.

Walter : I'm married 38 years, Mr. Jane.

Jane : As i said.

Walter : Uh, even if what you say is true-- and i'm not saying it is-- what does that have to do with poor Kristin's murder?

Jane : Blackmail or something like it. The business adultery leads to.

Walter : But even if I am what you say i am-- and i'm not saying i am-- wouldn't i have faced a situation like this before and handled it without killing anybody?

Jane : It's a good point. I'll think about that.

Walter : Please. Anything else?

Jane : What? Sorry? Well, whoever it is,i'll have the killer by the morning, so,uh,you should act accordingly. Thank you for your time.

Cho : You think harlan ever cleans out his car?

Rigsby : So where you taking the shopkeeper's niece for dinner?

Cho : I'd rather not talk about it.

Rigsby : Why not?

Cho : It's private.

Rigsby : Oh,come on.

Cho : Let's talk about somethin' else.

Rigsby : I'll call technical services. They can pop that lock in 20 seconds.

Cho : It'll take 'em 2 hours to get here.

Rigsby : It took you two hours to open the door last time you tried this, and we had to pay for the busted window.

Cho : Fluke.

Rigsby : If i had a date, i'd tell you about it.

Cho : Yeah.

Rigsby : I would ,tell you anything you wanted to know.

Cho : Okay, you ever gonna man up and make a move on Van Pelt?

Rigsby : Fine. Don't tell me.

Cho : Right.

Rigsby : Check this out. Wasn't the other one of these on kristin marley's foot?

Cho : I'll call Lisbon.

Lisbon : Kristin's shoe was in your trunk.

Harlan : No. No way.

Lisbon : You want to tell us how it got there, Harlan?

Harlan : I don't know. Maybe you put it there, huh?

Lisbon : You have no alibi for the night of Kristin's disappearance.

Harlan : I told you. I was with my mom.

Lisbon : She was concealing you when we went to pick you up. It's not gonna cut it.

Van Pelt: You were mad at kristin.

Harlan : A little, but-- -

Van Pelt : You threatened her.

Harlan : No. Okay,i mean,a-a little, but come on. I-i wouldn't hurt her for real.

Lisbon : That's not much of a story, harlan.

Harlan : I thought you believed me.

Van Pelt : You were wrong.

Harlan : You know what? The hell with this. I'm outta here.

Lisbon : Not quite yet.

Harlan : Oh, you're gonna stop me?

Lisbon : Yeah.

Jane : Did you make the arrest?

Lisbon : I did.

Jane : Ah, victory is yours.

Lisbon : Yes,it is. What?

Jane : Oh,nothing.

Lisbon : Come on.

Jane : No. No.

Lisbon : I'm still waiting.

Jane : Throwing the body off the bridge was a smart move-- good chance the coroner would declare it a suicide. Do you really think Harlan Mcadoo would come up with that?

Lisbon : Dumb people can come up with smart ideas, and smart people can come up with dumb ones.

Jane : Eh,true. I'll have the real killer here in 12 hours or so.

Lisbon : What are you talking about?

Jane : You'll see. Bye.

Lisbon : Jane.

Cho : Hey, boss, you want me to send mcadoo down to be arraigned?

Lisbon : Not yet. Sit on him. See if he comes up with something useful once he calms down.

Melinda : Obviously, you've got to get it out of committee before-- Mr. Jane?

Jane : Don't mind me.

Melinda : What are you doing?

Jane : Hard at work, on the case.

Elliott : I don't understand. We got a call from agent Minelli saying that an arrest had been made--Kristin's stepbrother.

Jane : Nope, nope, nope. Wrong guy.

Elliott : How can that be?

Jane : Simple miscarriage of justice, happens all the time.

Melinda : What does that mean?

Jane : It means i have to find the real killer.

Melinda : The real killer? How?

Jane : Oh, Kristin was a collector. Ergo, the identity of Kristin's killer will be in her things.

Elliott : How can you be sure it's there?

Jane : Oh, I'm sure.

Melinda : Mr. Jane, this isn't acceptable. First you accost my father--

Jane : oh, I wouldn't use the word "accost."

Melinda : Now you're ransacking my office.

Elliott : Calm down,melinda.

Melinda : I won't calm down. I thought we put this behind us.

Jane : Not much of a campaign slogan-- "Batson--so tough on crime, she puts the innocent behind bars."

Elliott : Do what you have to do. Uh, we'll help in any way we can.

Jane : Great. Thank you. There's a couple of boxes right there, if you could just, uh, grab one each and follow me to my car.

Minelli : Lisbon, didn't you arrest mcadoo?

Lisbon : Yeah,we did.

Minelli : D.A.Says you haven't sent him down to be arraigned.

Lisbon : We have 48 hours to do that. We still have some loose ends.

Minelli : What--what loose ends? Him?

Lisbon : No.

Minelli : What are you doing? No, don't tell me. I want this off my desk. Get Mcadoo to the D.A. Tonight.

Jane : How hard is Crew leaning on you?

Minelli : He's not.

Jane : Then who's doing it for him?

Minelli : No one.

Lisbon : Is this my case,sir?

Minelli : Yes,but--

Lisbon : Then it's my decision as to when the suspect is handed over to the district attorney, right?

Minelli : If Mcadoo isn't in the D.A.'S office first thing tomorrow morning, this becomes a different conversation.

Jane : You won't regret this.

Lisbon : I already do.

Lisbon : Hey, this is Lisbon. Leave a message. I'll call you back.

Jane : I found what i was looking for.I don't want to risk taking it out of the office, so i'm gonna put it in the top right-hand drawer of your desk. When you get this,call me.

"Ah Ha"

Janitor : You--you startled me. I'll... I'll just get out of your way.

Lisbon : Stand still. Turn around.

Art : What is this?

Lisbon : Who are you and who are you working for?

Art : I work for the building. I clean. I clean.

Jane : Oh, you're not a cleaner. Look at this place. It's a mess. You're the fixer. You've been listening in on our conversations. What's that? That's one of the bugs you placed. I found it in the overhead light. When i told Van Pelt to go and check out the jewelry box, you overheard and you went there first. And it was you that placed the shoe in mcadoo's trunk.

Art : I'm on the cleaning crew.

Jane : Oh,really?

Art : I'm new. You can call my supervisor. Marty, uh, Marty, uh, Toretta, huh? Call him up right now.

Jane : No.

Art : Wake him up. I got no idea what you're talking about here.

Lisbon : We're talking about accessory to murder, conspiracy,obstruction. Who hired you?

Art : Murder? Oh,i-i don't feel too good. Can i sit--can i-- -

Jane : Oh, take a seat.

Art : Thanks. All right. No, no, no. Calm.  Are you calm?

Jane : Sure.

Art : All right, now I want you to lift your gun out with two fingers and slide it across the floor. Now get your cuffs.

Lisbon : This isn't gonna work.

Art : The door-- hook yourself up. Toss the keys. Now you and I are gonna walk out here.

Jane : Sure. It's a little stroll.

Lisbon : Find out where he goes.

Jane : Oh,no, I think--

Lisbon : Go, now! Go! Keys,please. There. Yeah.

Melinda : so, agent Lisbon, here we are. What's this about?

Lisbon : This is Art Cavalleri. He's the private investigator one of you hired to wiretap and obstruct our investigation.

Walter : Really?

Lisbon : He's agreed to talk in exchange for leniency. I called you down here to offer you the same deal.

Walter : Well,that's very nice of you. You can discuss it with my attorney. Melinda?

Melinda : I have nothing to say.

Lisbon : Even if you had nothing to do with Kristin Marley's murder, with what cavalleri is saying about the conspiracy and the cover-up, you're all gonna do a lot of time in prison.

Walter : I don't need to hear any more.

Elliott : W-wait. I-i do. What kind of leniency are we talking about here?

Melinda : Elliott.

Lison : Depends,mr. Batson. What do you know?

Elliott : I need an assurance that any charges related to the murder will be dropped. Got it, as long as you didn't have anything to do with the murder.

Walter : If you'll excuse us, I want some private time with my family right now.

Lisbon : Mr. Crew, stay there. Go on.

Jane : Oh, come on. Spit it out, man. The marriage is a sham. She's gay. You're the beard. It was kind of obvious from the start.

Elliott : I had an arrangement with melinda.

Walter : Elliott, don't.

Elliot : I agreed to marry melinda in exchange for... Certain financial considerations.

Walter : Batson, we had a deal.

Jane :Did that deal include time in prison? I don't think so. So it was your own people that started the rumor about you and Kristin-- to hide her affair with Melinda.

Elliott : Yes. I'm sorry, Melinda. Kristin broke it off shortly before she disappeared. Melinda was upset.

Lisbon : And were you with Melinda the night kristin disappeared?

Elliott : No. I didn't see her until late that night. She was... A mess. But she wouldn't tell me what had happened.

Lisbon : Kristin had something hidden in her apartment-- a memento, I guess.

Jane : Lovers' memento.

Lisbon : Cavalleri had found it, but we took it out of his car. It could be a "W," but i think it's an "M." You and your father were both having an affair with kristin.

Melinda : No. No.I--

Walter :  Melinda.

Melinda : I had a relationship with Kristin. He seduced her... Took her... The way he's taken women his whole life.

Walter : I was trying to make a point.

Melinda : You were what?

Walter : I was trying to show you--

Melinda : what?

Jane : She was just another girl, that she was just another trashy little girl. You thought you were in love, but she was just having a fling. He believed that you were giving away a very bright political career because of some strumpet.

Lisbon : What happened that night? Melinda, every day you don't talk is another day you're on the news.

Melinda : I knew Kristin was seeing someone, but i didn't know who it was. So i followed her... And that's when i saw my father. After he left, i went into her apartment. She had these stone bookends. I grabbed one. Next thing i knew, Kristin was on the floor. It just... Happened. And then i did what i always do when i'm in trouble. I called daddy. He said he knew someone who could fix it. 

Jane : Ah, the fixer. You can let cavalleri go now. Watch.

Melinda : Oh, my god. He's dead.

Jane : Yeah.

Minelli : You abused a corpse to get a confession.

Jane : Used. Used a corpse. There's no "ab."

Minelli : I'm appalled. I'm... I don't know what to say.

Lisbon : Sir,it's not like we killed him. His neck was broken in the crash.

Jane : We got a confession.

Minelli : Suppose you didn't. Suppose you'd been wrong. Have you any idea of the vastness of the crap storm that would follow? It would blot out the sun.

Lisbon : Sir, Crew and Batson manipulated us into arresting the wrong person. They bugged our offices and subverted our case. I don't think we did anything wrong. I think we should be commended.

Minelli : Congratulations. You finally got her to drink the kool-aid. Check yourself,agent. All of you.

Jane : Well,i thought that went pretty well.

Lisbon : Great, yeah.

Jane : Highlight for me was definitely your speech-- passionate,articulate, strong.

Lisbon : Whatever.

Rigsby : Hey, good work with Mcadoo you know, keeping him here.

Van Pelt : Yeah. You know,if boss had given me a chance, i think i could have gotten him to confess.

Rigsby : Sure, if he wasn't, you know, innocent. If it wasn't for that small fact, i'm sure you'd have taken him to town.

Van Pelt : Thanks.

Rigsby : You have any plans for tonight?

Van Pelt : Home, tv.

Rigsby : Well... Have fun.

Van Pelt : You,too.

Cho : You're gonna die alone.

Rebecca : Sir?

Jane : Morning.

Rebecca : Yeah. Sir, you can't go in there.

Jane : No,it's okay. I come in peace. great color on you.

Bosco : Go away.

Jane : Just give me a minute, please. I-i want you, and i want your team to know that i got it. I got the message. I got it. The Red John case... Belongs to you.

Bosco : You're gonna leave us alone?

Jane : Yeah,that's right.

Bosco : I don't believe that.

Jane : I brought you doughnuts-- the international law enforcement symbol of friendship. I am trusting you to catch Red John. I'm counting on it.

Bosco : We will catch him. Thanks.

Jane : Good hunting.

Bosco : Hicks, take that away. Take it far away. Take it out of the building. God know what he put in there.

Hicks : You got it.

Bosco : All right,let's go over the most recent forensics. There are two short, linear incised wounds that are extremely superficial. They involve the anterior surface of the right wrist, which measures 0. 8 inches. Okay,you got it. Don't tell the locals what it's for.

Policeman : Yeah,no worries. Just say you're following up on something.

Bosco : I want to keep this on the down low for now. Now what else did you get from handwriting analysis?

Policeman : We've had two guys look at it-- one local,one from d.C., and of course they agree on pretty much nothing. Figures.

Bosco : What did the d.C.Guy say?

Kikavu ?

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AllisonMe  (26.11.2016 à 20:09)

Alors là, je saute directement à cette réplique qui me fait rire. Vous êtes un trou du cul pleine d ebonne volonté. Hilarant! Quand Jane fait allusion aussi ouvertement aux fantasmes de Steiner, incluant Van Pelt et Lisbon un tantinet gênées. J'aime également la sensibilité, l'empathie dont Grace fait preuve à l'égard de la victime après que Rigsby ait tenté de faire plus ou moins de l'humour maladroitement encore, se retrouvant dans ses petits souliers lorsqu'elle dit que la vie est précieuse est qu'en venir à se suicider est tragique. La scène plus tard du psy où Lisbon se rend dans le bureau de celui-ci, appréhendant, peu disposée à. D'ailleurs, onretrouve un peu de l'insolence de Jane quand elle répond au psy justement afin d'esquiver tout approfondissement lié à cette séance. Et la tâche au plafon qui ressemble à Elvis Presley, Cho faisant de 'humour ironique; On va prévenir les médias. Et que la canapé a été bougé, à un basset. Et quand celui qui a été engagé afin de placer des micros, ouvre le tiroir du bureau de Lisbon est lit AH,HA! Tout est parfait pour moi comme à la fin.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !