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Blah Blah, Woof Woof

Zack goes around back, looks up at the fire escape ladder hanging some 15 feet from the ground. He checks to make sure no one's looking, then leaps up to grab hold of the bottom rung. He swings up onto the fire escape and starts climbing. As Zack comes up over the side and starts to cross to the far edge of the building. Suddenly a SOLDIER comes around the side of the stairwell, weapon at low ready.
Hey. You're not supposed to be up here. We've got a fugitive situation.
Sorry. Just came up for a smoke. Wife won't let me in the apartment. Want one?
The soldier considers, looks around -- why not? He approaches, Zack pats his pockets as if looking. Suddenly he elbows him in the face, takes him out.
Filthy habit.
Careful not to be seen by the soldiers on adjacent rooftops, he drags the soldier's unconscious form aside and hides it under a tarp, then heads to the edge of the roof.


Max studies the jump she's preparing to make, eyes the angles, calculating the velocity she'll need. Atop the building across the way, two soldiers make their rounds. She's going to have to time this just right, deal with them once she gets across. She steps back from the edge, giving herself plenty of room to run and build up speed. Just as she's about to set off, a sound behind her, she looks up to see --
on patrol, coming in above her. An alarm sounds - she's been spotted. It hangs there like a beacon, its alarm drawing the attention of soldiers on adjacent rooftops.
Across the way, the two soldiers on the rooftop she was hoping to escape to have spotted her. Mission aborted. Now it's just a matter of getting out of there alive.
Suddenly three soldiers clamber onto the roof behind her. She rushes to the edge, looks to see if there's any way down. Nothing. Worse yet --
is coming up from the street, ascending straight up the side of the building.
She turns, sees the soldiers behind her drawing their tazers. There's no other way - she unhooks the rope from her body and jumps off the ledge into the nothingness --
SLAM -- she lands right on top of the ascending drone, grabs hold, crouching low like a skim-boarder atop her board.
The drone's turbine kicks into a higher gear to try to compensate for the added weight, but it's no use -- it pitches to one side and starts to skitter sideways, losing altitude. Max shifts her weight and steers its descent as best she can.
Lydecker's men staring, shouting into radios. guns and tazers are raised. Shots fired at the hoverdrone as it darts past --
people look up at the sound of gunfire, react in astonishment.
Zack stands just outside Logan's van, worriedly searching the street for Max. Then he hears it, looks up -- sees the impossible sight of Max on the hoverdrone, skittering toward them.
Its turbine hissing in complaint, Max crouched low, riding the wave. As it nears the ground she leaps off, landing on the pavement and rolling with the momentum. The drone, freed of its burden but still overcompensating, shoots off wildly and disappears from view.


Used to play this game all the time at Manticore. Escape and evade. Piece of cake. Just sorry I had to drag you into it.
Quid pro quo, remember? Usually I'm the one dragging you into things ... Fight the power, protect the downtrodden. Blah blah. Woof woof.
Max has to smile.


Find her.
Lydecker stars hard at the map as though it could tell her where she's gone. Almost under his breath:
LYDECKER (continued)
She hijacked a hoverdrone...
And in Lydecker's eyes, beneath the anger and the frustration, we can see just the barest glimpse of pride.


Logan sits at his desk, a stack of unpaid bills in front of him. Out the window, a full moon hangs over Seattle. He winces in pain. BLING enters in the background.
I'm making tea. What's your preference?
Bella Donna, Mandrake, or anything in the opium family.
Lotta pain?
Let's just say I'm glad I'm a boy. I don't think I'd handle childbirth at all well.
Maybe you oughta try and get some sleep. You gotta big day tomorrow
Can't sleep.
Not a bit...if everything goes okay, great... if it doesn't... it's been an interesting life.
Everything's gonna be fine... (after a beat) You miss her, don't you?
That obvious, huh?...
And we're only in hour four of her being gone. ...You get this surgery behind you, maybe you can go raft up with her.
No, the right thing to do was to let her go. For a thousand different reasons. And I always do the right thing, right?
How's camomile?
Fresh outta Bella Donna, huh?


So, this non-boyfriend of yours... is he in love with you or something?
That's not the take away I'm getting.
Logan's not that stupid...or that reckless. And anyway, it's not something I'd ever let happen.


Here we are...
Max and Logan just sit there, looking at the cabin. Zack opens the door and gets out, turns back to Max. She's not moving. He knows why.
I'll get a fire going.
LOGAN (handing him the keys)
Door's on the far side.
Thanks for your help.
I'd wish you good luck, but....(shrugs)
Zack goes. After a moment...
He's a fun guy...
You should see him get his drink on at the X5 reunions.
They share a small smile.
You're gonna be okay, Max...
Oh yeah, I'll be better than okay, cause I'm build like that. It's you I'm worried about.
I'll miss you.
Max knows she should say she'll miss him too but this kind of stiff isn't her forte.
(Continue as in aired episode)
Take care of yourself.
You too
Max climbs out of the van, crosses around front and heads for the cabin. They abruptly, she turns, strides purposefully back, steps up on the driver's side runner, and reaches into the window to take Logan's face in her hands. Whispers --
Bye, Logan.
... and kisses him. A kiss worthy of six months of not kissing. A kiss to last them forever. Logan gives in to it, pulls her closer...but then almost immediately pulls back. Drags his gaze away from her face.
Just go.
But he's still holding onto her. After a moment, he takes his hands away. She drops down and runs, without looking back. Logan watches her stride, perfectly even and precise, till she disappears around the side of the cabin, out of sight.


Out of my way.
Use your head for a second. Lydecker's calling the shots back there and you wanna go waltzing into Indian country so you can hold your non-boyfriend's hand.
You got it.
No way. Our mission was to get you over the border and into safe territory.
Only now, I'm changing the mission.
If you want out of here alive, Max, stop acting like a teenage girl in heat and start following orders.
I'm not in heat for another three months and I don't take orders from you or anybody else.
When Lydecker takes you down -- and he will -- you put all of us at risk. That makes you the biggest problem I've got
MAX (quiet, intense)
Out of my way, or I go through you. What's it gonna be?
You gonna take me on? Huh, Maxie? Go ahead.
He grabs her wrist.
Get your head back in the game, soldier
Spins her, crisscrossing her arms and pulling her back against his chest. She pulls up her arms to break his grip, but he anticipates it. Shoves her forward. Spins, one heel connecting with the back of her knee. Max goes facedown. Then does a rapid-fire push up, and flips herself back over. Springs to her feet. Lunges for him. All fury now. Their arms lock. The two of them face-to-face. Close. Muscle against strained muscle. The barest flicker of unease crosses Zack's face, as he realizes HE CAN'T MOVE HER. Max smiles
Think I'm not in the game?
Her eyes smolder like tiny black fires. Every molecule of her body is his equal right now, and they both know it. a small noise escapes her as she YANKS -- then pirouettes.
They spin as one. If he were human, we'd hear a snap of cartilage. But instead, he lets his body follow the Aikido's flow, and does a tuck-and roll into the dirt.
Think again.
Max looms over him like a praying mantis. Ready for more, but -
She heaves a breath. Half-triumph, half-disappointment.
I won't stop you.
She turns to leave. Zack rises, NOT EVEN WINDED. He calls after her --
But know one thing, Max -- If you can't be trusted to do the smart thing, then I have no choice but to consider you a threat to me and the others. Go now, and you really will be on your own.
She stops. Turns.
Your choice. Him....or us.
Off Max, it's not even a choice as she turns, goes.


Holding a clipboard, Sung approaches the bench where Normal is sitting with some other would-be informants.
SUNG (off clipboard)
Mr. Ronald?
NORMAL (jumps to feet)
Ronald. Reagan Ronald. Like the late, great President.
SUNG (a bit confused, checks clipboard)
Sorry, must've got it backwards here, Mr. Reagan.
SUNG (first name's fine too)
All right. Ronald.
Which is it?
Reagan Ronald. Mr. Reagan Ronald. I don't understand your confusion.
Neither do I anymore. What can I do for you?


Logan lies on his stomach, his face turned to one side. He's on a ventilator. Surgeons and NURSES, gowned and masked, led by Dr. Carr, work on his back. The operation has been going on for some time, gowns and gloves are bloody.
Curved Kelly -- (as the nurse hands him the instrument)
We've got a bleeder. Suction...
Nurses put suction tubes into the cavity.
Damn, where's it coming from? (then) A fragment's nicked the vertebral artery. Clamp.
More instruments handed over, the doctor works to clamp off the artery.
Hang another four units of AB negative.
We're already on the last two.
Then get more. He's bleeding out.
...blah blah just as in the episode...
Look, I know you're a busy guy, so I'm not gonna bore you with the long, sad story of how far I've traveled, or what I risked in order to be here for him. Just tell me-- Is he dying?
The doctor weighs her sincerity a moment. Then --
We were removing a bullet -- a fragment nicked his vertebral artery. He needs a transfusion right away or he won't make it.
So, transfuse him.
With what? The Seattle blood banks are dry. And Logan is a very rare type: AB negative.
This is your lucky night, doc, I'm a universal donor. Just like the rest of my family. (pushes up her sleeve). One type fits all.
Even if I believed you, I can't transfuse your blood without screening it, and the lab closed three hours ago.
(then continue as in episode)...


Looks like we missed the party.
She smiles and shakes her head, holds her hands out.
Story of my life... Guess we'll just have to throw our own party... Dance with me.
He doesn't understand. Gestures to the chair.
I can't.
Sure you can... Mind over matter.
You might as well ask me to fly.
You mean like this?
And Max springs into the air and gracefully somersaults over his wheelchair.
See, my problem is I can't walk.
Nobody's asking you to walk. Just dance with me.


We have an intelligence team en route to interrogate the subject...They're in the air now.
Good, because this young man is going to tell me where my kids are... one way or another. Not the outcome I'd hoped for, but Zack is better than nothing.
The downside is the girl's in the wind...probably in Canada by now. (shakes his head) we deputized an entire city and she still got away.
A part of me would be profoundly disappointed if she didn't. .. we'll find her.
Dochnovich blasts in, crosses to the television, turns it on.
You're gonna want to hear this.
The helicopter carrying the murder suspect was en route from police headquarters to an undisclosed destination. The cause of the crash is under investigation but unconfirmed reports indicate there may have been a struggle onboard the doomed airship...
Damnit... Get a search team out there on the double. I want the body... Assuming you find one.


 Source : dystopic.

Ecrit par kimiM 
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